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50 States Populations

U.S. Cities 

Rhode Island

Capital: Providence

Populations of Rhode Island Cities (by county)
Alphabetical Listing of Cities Cities ranked by Population



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Populations of Rhode Island Cities
Listed by Counties

(Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010)


Rhode Island




Kent County


Warwick city


Balance of Kent County




Newport County


Newport city


Balance of Newport County




Providence County


Central Falls city


Cranston city


East Providence city


Pawtucket city


Providence city


Woonsocket city


Balance of Providence County





Rhode Island Important Links!

Rhode Island Colleges and Universities
Rhode Island Department of Education 
Rhode Island Governor (Gov. Gina Raimondo)
Rhode Island State Government Web Site
Rhode Island State Symbols




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50 States Populations


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Education Resources (Useful Education Links and Resources)
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Fountain of Wisdom collection of favorite sayings and quotes
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Collective Wisdom collection of favorite sayings and quotes
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My GOD | Never | One of a Kind | Only You! | Power of Words | Tell Me About "IT" | That's Life! | Walk the Walk |

More Collections of favorite sayings and quotes
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