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Middle School Computer Lab
(Alternative School)

© 2012 Stephen D. Glass
All Rights Reserved.




Let the students know they are in a welcoming learning environment.

Welcome to Computer Connections

Showcase the best student PowerPoint projects that demonstrate what their class projects should look like when completed.

Student PowerPoint Projects of High Achievement

Provide inspiration with signs containing wisdom and positive sayings.

Wall of Wisdom sayings

Lab rules are posted.
Don't have any more than you're willing to enforce.


Students come to our Alternative School from seven district middle schools. They come to us for different lengths of times and are usually not there for part of the nine week grading period. They may or may not have been enrolled in a computers class before coming to us. We take students with their current computer skill level and just go from there.


Computers Connections rules and procedures are pretty simple.

1. When you enter the lab you have one minute to set your books down, go to your computer, and begin logging in to the network.

2. Students will practice keyboard skills using Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing for the first half of the period.

3. Students will work at their own pace creating PowerPoint projects (10-12 slides for science and social studies projects and 18 slides for photo galleries) for the remainder of each class period.


Students alternate between completing science projects and social studies projects until the end of the grading period. Students are provided printed generic handouts showing what kinds of information to include on their project slides. They may also look at wall mounted student projects for inspiration and ideas to incorporate into their projects.

Science PowerPoint projects
Projects are of the students' choosing as long as it is related to the subject currently being studied in their science class. Projects include title, information, photo images from the internet (usually Googled images), and credits listing what they used to create their projects.

Social Studies PowerPoint projects
6th and 7th grade country projects are of the students' choosing as long as it is related to the region of the world currently being studied in their social studies classes. Students gather their information online through the CIA World Factbook website. Then they gather images of the country landscapes, the people, and the country flag.
The twelve slide projects include title, information, photo images from the internet (usually Googled images), and credits listing what they used to create their projects.

8th grade projects are of the students' choosing as long as they are Georgia counties. Projects are ten slides and include a map of the county, populations of cities in the county, photo of the county's courthouse, major industries in the county, most notable events or  locations within the county. Projects include title, information, photo images from the internet (usually Googled images), and credits listing what they used to create their projects.

Students who finish two to three projects then begin doing 18-slide photo galleries to challenge students and give them a variety in project assignments. Topics include state symbols, Georgia wildlife, Georgia state parks, Georgia fun spots to visit, Robins Museum of Aviation  aircraft on display, and Georgia Tourist attractions. Students can find links to most of their information at the Just Georgia page at .

Students print two handout copies (B/W HP laser printer) of all of their completed projects, one for them to take home and one for the instructor.









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Fountain of Wisdom collection of favorite sayings and quotes
| Attorneys | Counselors | Engineers | FireFighters | Law Enforcement | Military | Ministers | Mothers | Nurses |
Retired Persons | Sales People |
Teachers | The Classics |

Collective Wisdom collection of favorite sayings and quotes
| Always | As a Teacher... | Be All You Can Be! | The Best Questions | Don't... | Happy Birthday! | Hey, Stupid | IF... | Love |
My GOD | Never | One of a Kind | Only You! | Power of Words | Tell Me About "IT" | That's Life! | Walk the Walk |

More Collections of favorite sayings and quotes
| Church Marquees | The Morals of Aesop's Fables | Pledge To America | Tom Swifties |

Education Resources (Useful Education Links and Resources)
| Books | C.A.R.E. | Just Georgia | KidsFedWeb | Maps | Newspapers | | Reference | Georgia Cities |
| 50 Governors' Links |  50 States Capitals |50 States Education Links | U.S. Colleges & Universities | 

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Warner Robins, GA, USA 